Below you can find my writings on machine learning, data science, and technology. Enjoy! Visualizing Multiple Data Distributions
Need to compare a set of distributions of some variable? Histograms are OK, but try something fancier! Read on to learn about box, strip, swarm, and violin plots!
Need to compare a set of distributions of some variable? Histograms are OK, but try something fancier! Read on to learn about box, strip, swarm, and violin plots!
SWITRS: Car Crashes After Daylight Saving Time
Day light saving time leaves us drowsy and cranky at work, but it also leads to an increase in traffic collisions! Find out exactly how many more there are with this analysis!
Day light saving time leaves us drowsy and cranky at work, but it also leads to an increase in traffic collisions! Find out exactly how many more there are with this analysis!
SWITRS: On What Days Do Motorcycles Crash?
Motorcycles riders are a different breed, born to chase excitment! So when do they crash? Using California's SWITRS data I find out! I'll give you a hint: it is not on the way to their 9-5!
Motorcycles riders are a different breed, born to chase excitment! So when do they crash? Using California's SWITRS data I find out! I'll give you a hint: it is not on the way to their 9-5!
Software Testing for Data Science
Much of data science involves writing code; for data cleaning, parsing, and modeling. Software tests can ensure that your code does what you think it does!
Much of data science involves writing code; for data cleaning, parsing, and modeling. Software tests can ensure that your code does what you think it does!
Eldar: A Bright, High-contrast Color Scheme for Vim
Check out Eldar, my custom Vim color scheme based on elflord. It is a bright, high-contrast theme that looks great in the terminal or GUI!
Check out Eldar, my custom Vim color scheme based on elflord. It is a bright, high-contrast theme that looks great in the terminal or GUI!
Lab41 Reading Group: Swapout: Learning an Ensemble of Deep Architectures
Want to train a network but unsure about dropout vs. stochastic depth? Should you use a ResNet? Stop worry and use Swapout; it does all that and more!
Want to train a network but unsure about dropout vs. stochastic depth? Should you use a ResNet? Stop worry and use Swapout; it does all that and more!
SWITRS: On What Days Do People Crash?
What day of the year has the most car crashes? The fewest? Find out as I look at California's crash data! Hint: they're both holidays!
What day of the year has the most car crashes? The fewest? Find out as I look at California's crash data! Hint: they're both holidays!
Introducing 'SWITRS to SQLite'
The State of California stores information about all the traffic collisions in the state in the SWITRS database; this script lets you convert it to SQLite for easy querying!
The State of California stores information about all the traffic collisions in the state in the SWITRS database; this script lets you convert it to SQLite for easy querying!
Lab41 Reading Group: Skip-Thought Vectors
Word embeddings are great and should be your first stop for doing word based NLP. But what about sentences? Read on to learn about skip-thought vectors, a sentence embedding algorithm!
Word embeddings are great and should be your first stop for doing word based NLP. But what about sentences? Read on to learn about skip-thought vectors, a sentence embedding algorithm!
Jupyter Notebooks: Not for Development
Jupyter Notebooks are great for a lot of things; development of code is not one of them.
Jupyter Notebooks are great for a lot of things; development of code is not one of them.